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School Leadership

Mrs. Julie Vaughn, Principal

Julie Vaughn, Principal

Dear Families,

Welcome back to another exciting school year at Jesse Stuart Elementary School!

I hope you all had a restful and enjoyable summer, filled with fun and family time. As we embark on this new academic year, I am thrilled to see our hallways come alive with the energy and enthusiasm of our students.

Our dedicated teachers and staff have been busy preparing for the year ahead, and we are committed to providing a safe, nurturing, and stimulating environment for your children to learn and grow. We have many exciting programs and activities planned, and we can’t wait to share these experiences with you and your children.

This year, we are especially excited to see our students soar to new heights. The Eagle symbolizes strength, courage, and a soaring spirit—all qualities we aim to foster in our students. Let's embrace the Eagle spirit and work together to make this a fantastic year!

We are also thrilled to announce that we are celebrating the 30th anniversary of Jesse Stuart Elementary School this year! For three decades, our school has been dedicated to providing quality education and fostering a strong sense of community. We have special events and celebrations planned throughout the year to commemorate this milestone, and we look forward to sharing these moments with all of you.

Please know that our school is here to support you and your children every step of the way. Communication and collaboration between home and school are key to a successful educational experience, so we encourage you to stay in touch, ask questions, and get involved in our school community.

Thank you for entrusting us with your children's education. Together, we will make this school year one of growth, achievement, and joy.

Welcome back, and let’s make this year truly memorable!

Warm regards,

Julie Vaughn
Jesse Stuart Elementary School

Ms. Jenny Haw, Curriculum Specialist

Jenny Haw, Curriculum Specialist